Monday 10 December 2007

Life-size rhino for sale

A life-size rhino might not be on top of many present lists for Christmas this year, but it is exactly what a local theatre has for sale.

The Royal Court Theatre at Sloane Square is trying to find a new home for Zara, the 12-foot long star of the play Rhinoceros, after her last performance on December 15.

However, Zara, who is made in Hollywood and has circus performances on her CV, is not a cheap treat. The theatre expects a price around £6000.

In addition to a big purse, buyers of the rhinoceros costume in latex will also need a good fitness, as it takes two men to manoeuvre it around. Stephen Pidcock, press officer at the theatre, said:

“I don’t know if anyone would buy it for their own use, but it would be lovely to think that someone might buy it and donate it…For a charity for rhinos for instance where they could use it for public display”

A few offers on the life-like rhino have been made, but bidding is still open. And if Zara does not fit under the Christmas tree, her performance can still be enjoyed at The Royal Court Theatre.

Reflective report
I found the story about the rhino when I was looking at the Royal Court Theatre’s web-page to find some information about a cultural event in my borough. But when I saw the short note about the sale of the rhinoceros costume, I decided to write a story about that instead. I believed the story about the sale of a 12 foot long latex rhino to have a surprise-element, which would make people read it.
I felt it was obvious, almost un-avoidable, to use some sort of Christmas theme in the intro. After settling on this, I had to get some more information about the rhino. At the press office I got in contact with Stephen Pidcock, who helped my out with some details about the rhino’s origin, size etc. and provided me with a good quote. He also allowed me to use the picture the theatre had on their web-page for my article.
I tried to keep the tone in the article a bit humoristic, as the thought of anyone paying £6000 for a life-size rhino did seem a bit comical. For the same reason I described the rino-costume as if it was a real-life rhino. However, I used the quote from Pidcock to give the article a serious side, as I felt this gave a good balance.

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